Electro Hydraulic Thruster OperatedRail Clamps
The subject rail clamp is used as a parking brake for the Tripper car operating at sea shores. It consists of two main links and is connected to Electro Hydraulic actuator while the other end is fitted with Brake pads. Both main links are hinged and supported by internal frame. The main links are also connected to springs through connecting links. The external frame is connected to tripper structure. During the parking condition, the tripper car is held by clamping of the rails by spring force. To move the tripper car, rail clamp is release by actuating electro hydraulic thruster. The external and internal
frames are connected through a floating arrangement to accommodate the misalignment generated during tripper car movement. During parking condition, the clamp is subjected to a separating force generated due to wind
or storm acting on the tripper car. The objective of the present work was to design a rail clamp of 2T capacity.
Pad dimension: 60 mm x 30 mm
No. of pads: 3 per side
Pad area: 60 x 30 x 3 = 5400 mm2 per side
Max. Allowable wear of brake pad : 5 mm
Nominal co-efficient of friction: 0.25
Clamping force up to:20000 N Max.
Operating by Thruster, capacity 301/6.
Weight of brake: 400 Kgs