Friction Materials-Sintered
Metal-ceramic bronze-graphite friction material with high content of ceramic components and graphite, designed for a dry friction use.
Material characteristics :
- High co-efficient of friction
- High wear resistance
- The lining is solidly joint to its steel base pad by the layer of connecting material
- Good thermal stability up to 450°C, for a short term up to 800°C
- Small effect on the opposite surface
- Suitable for grinding, drilling and recess work
- Friction co-efficient stability in a wide range of operating conditions
Typical area of use :
Suitable as a dry friction material for medium and heavy workloads, e.g. disc brakes for the aircraft or for a heavy earth machinery.
Recommended operating conditions :
Specific pressure : p < 3.5 MPa
Sliding speed : v < 40 m.g-1
Temperature sustained : 450°C
Short term temperature : 800°C
Friction surface : steel, cast iron, cast steel
Friction data :
Dynamic coeff. of friction fdyn : 0.350 – 0.550
Static coeff of friction fstat : 0.450 – 0.530
Physical – Mechanical characteristics :
Density : γ = 4.6 g/cm3
Specific heat : c = 5.1kJ/kg.K
Coeff. of thermal conductivity : λ = 4.0 W/m.K
Co-eff of thermal expansion : α* = 17.6 x 10-6/K
Modulus of elasticity : Ep = 393 MPa (under compress.)
Tensile strength : δdt = 26MPa
Shearing strength : δds = 53MPa
Friction characteristics :
The course of the friction coefficient, specific abrasive wear and temperature were measured on the laboratory testing bench under the following conditions.
Specific pressure : p = 0.5 – 3.0 MPa
Sliding speed : v = 10 – 30 m.s-1
Friction surface : special cast iron CNMCH